
Vision (w.i.p.)

Our vision

Groep-één commits herself for the interests of all students. Next to this, we have three pillars where we focus on further. We believe that the TU/e can build upon the things Groep-één stands for. These three pillars are:

• Quality of Education
• Expanding your education with extra-curricular activities
• Supporting TU/e-wide facilities

To accomplish this, we have very good connections with other active students of this university. The active members and boards of different student- and study-associations provide an invaluable source of input for us, so we know what to focus on during the University Council meetings.

Quality of Education

Groep-één believes that the quality of education should come first at this university. The quality of our bachelor and master programs and in this way the quality and value of the degree all students are working for should be guaranteed. As Groep-één we represent this voice in the university council during discussions about caps, student staff ratios, program evaluations and other topics. Some examples we achieved in this area is that a €100.000 form the ‘Basisbeurs’ is reinvested in the career orientation and preparation for students, Including the USE courses in the evaluation of the Bachelor College or that all new hired teachers at the university should have at least an English level of C1.

Also in 2020 we will continue to ask ourselves the question what the effect of the policy of the Executive Board is on the quality of education.   

Extra-curricular activities

Groep-één believes that enlarging your capabilities via extra-curricular activities is one of the most important things a university should support. Being part in a board or a committee of a study-, student-, culture-, or sports association or being active in a student-team helps to develop later in life essential soft-skills. Here you can think of skills like communication, listening, presenting, empathy, etcetera.
As a future engineer, these skills are very welcome along with your hard-skills (thermodynamics, marketing, etc) and will make you the person who you are.

In 2017, Groep-één achieved to raise the board grant from €290 to €415 per month, showing its view on the importance of developing yourself in this way. We believe students should be compensated in some kind of way for the work they do to develop themselves in these ways, especially if you even have to pay tuition alongside to it

TU/e-wide facilities

To ensure a good quality of education and facilitate education and extracurricular activities, there is a need for proper facilities. You could think of the quality of video lectures, infrastructure, study spaces, building opening times, coaching, safety or student support.
Groep-één is closely involved with these topics and makes sure the voice of the students is taken into account when decisions on the topic have to be made.
Last year, Groep-één managed to increase the budget for a renovation of the student sport centre and ensured the protection of student rights on Canvas. Next year’s goals include making it possible to book rooms after working hours, to facilitate longer building opening hours and to facilitate campus housing solutions.

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