


Below you can find our latest updates. For more updates you can also follow the instagram @groepeend.

Election results!!


Today, the election results have been announced. Group 1 has once again secured 5 seats. It was an exciting election, though unfortunately, it saw the lowest turnout percentage ever. Nevertheless, we are very pleased with the result and would like to thank everyone who voted for us.

Let’s talk about money


Hilde wrote an article for the cursor! Go check it out.

“Studentenwelzijn is tegenwoordig een veelbesproken thema, ook binnen onze universiteit. Er is inmiddels een uitgebreid ondersteuningsnetwerk beschikbaar voor wie hulp nodig heeft. Je kan terecht als je je druk maakt over je studie, sociale leven, sociale veiligheid of je welzijn. Een aspect dat momenteel nog wat onderbelicht is, is financieel welzijn……. ”

Want to read the rest of the article?

Let’s talk about money


Subscribe to our event!!  We organize this event together with Studium Generale. From the long-study fine and rising interest rates on student loans to the reintroduction of the basic scholarship, there’s a lot going on that affects our wallets. Recent research shows that as many as 44% of students are worried about their student debt. It’s high time to discuss this together! During the program, three key organizations that focus on the financial situation of students will share their insights and answer your questions.

For more info visit:

Protest in Den Haag against the cuts in education


Today we went to den Haag to protest against the slow-progress penalty, the decreased basic grant, and cutbacks in education and science. At 10.00 we left with a group of 40 students from the campus. After quite a long drive, we arrived and headed toward the location of protest. There several hundreds of students were already waiting in front of a podium. The protest started with some speakers, followed by a walk through den Haag.

Complaign train week


The complain train is back. This week will be standing at the Spar, Metaforum and Atlas in the hope to gather as much complains as possible. The complains help us to know on which topics to focus. In the past the complain trains have been a huge success and we are curious to this years results.

Update: 04-10-2024

The cursor posted an article about the complain train, check it out:



This weekend we went with the old faction and the new faction on transferweekend. The weekend focused on getting the now each other and learning about the University Council.

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