
Election Programme

Election Programme 2022

Hereby, we present the goals that Groep-één wants to achieve in 2022. We are excited for another year of improving TU/e, and we look forward to representing you!

The list below has been carefully created in order to improve the university experience of all students at TU/e, ranging from those who want to focus on following their courses to those who want to pursue an extracurricular path in e.g. a board or student team.

Got any questions? WhatsApp us at +31 40 247 4207 or come talk to us in person!

Goals for 2022

Quality of education

  • Spend ‘basisbeurs’-money on improvement of education
  • Improvements for the Graduate School
  • A good revision of the Bachelor College, with student input, ensuring:
    • Improved experience for 1st years (w.r.t. basic courses and link with major)
    • Opportunities for an international experience (e.g. going abroad)
    • Attention for the qualities that define an engineer

Wellbeing & community

  • Wellbeing as an ongoing focus point in TU/e policy (not just crisis management)
  • Work together with Study+ to better represent students with special needs
  • Protect student bars with a fair alcohol policy on campus

Inclusivity, diversity & social safety

  • Better integrate Dutch and international communities
  • An ombudsperson for students with legal complaints
  • Intercultural communication as a part of education

Personal development

  • Better support and recognition for student teams (through a new policy)
  • Allocate leftover board grants fairly and effectively
  • Develop an elective course for boards and student teams (already approved!)


  • Sustainability as an ongoing focus point in TU/e policy
  • Create a sustainability plan w.r.t. education, research and the campus

Facilities & housing

  • Longer opening hours on campus
  • A policy on the (free) use of software
  • Emergency housing to prevent homeless students

Achievements in 2021

Our involvement in the university policy builds upon several years of commitment and achievements. Looking back, we are proud of everything that we have already established on our mission to improve TU/e. With these achievements in the back of our heads, we can confidently look forward to an even better future.

The following list summarizes the achievements of Groep-één in 2021. For a selection of our biggest achievements over the past few years, visit the achievements page.

Quality of education

  • Improved online education during Corona
  • Ensured more student input in the ongoing Bachelor College revision
  • Ensured more opportunities to go abroad
  • Integrated extracurricular activities as part of professional skills in the Bachelor

Wellbeing & community

  • Appointment of a full-time wellbeing officer
  • Ensured that new students are looked after by the university
  • Enough working places for students in need during Corona

Inclusivity, diversity & social safety

  • Raised awareness for diversity on campus with petition for a rainbow crossing
  • Put attention to discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse of power
  • Appointment of confidentiality persons at study associations
  • Leading the new social safety committee

Personal development

  • Increased board grants for non-EU students to compensate for tuition fee
  • Created 20% more board grants
  • Contributed to a new student team policy
  • Recognition of active students through TU/extra


  • Contributed to a development plan for a sustainable campus
  • Drew attention to sustainability vision after the latest climate-change report

Facilities & housing

  • Increased campus accessibility during corona
  • Arranged hybrid meeting rooms
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