
Contact us

Come grab a cup of coffee at ‘de Tweede Kamer’!

Are you having a question for us? Or just want to grab a cup of coffee? Visit us in Building Traverse on the first floor (room 1.05). During working hours, you can often find us in our office.

Contact Us!

You can contact Groep-één via email, social media, or phone for any questions or remarks about anything TU/e. You can also ask any fraction or board member personally at any time! 

Phone: +31 (0)40 247 4207

You can call, text or WhatsApp us at any time!
To stay updated about the fraction and association, become a member to receive regular updates via the community channels

Social Media


Address information

Visiting address ?

Student Fraction Groep-één
Traverse 1.05
5612AZ Eindhoven

Postal Address

Groep-één, Universiteitsraad TU/e
ATLAS receptie
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven

Packaging Address

Groep-één, Universiteitsraad TU/e
Traverse 1.05
De Rondom 70
5612 AP Eindhoven

Bank account

Vereniging Groep-één
NL16 RABO 0309 9249 52
Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven

KvK: 61688673

Open chat
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